Button or link clicks

Track signups, downloads, referrals and more with this metric.

With Nocodelytics, you can track buttons, links, images or any element on your site with a unique ID or class name.

Some of the things you can track include downloads, sign ups, social shares, clicks on phone numbers, mailto links, and lots more.

Track a specific button or link

To track a specific button or link, you'll need to use the button's unique ID.

Here's how to track a specific button or link in your Webflow site:

  1. Click on the element in the Webflow Designer. In the right-hand, navigate to the Element Settings tab (it has a gear icon at the top of the right hand-side panel).
  2. Copy the ID at the top of this tab or, if it's empty, add a unique ID.
  3. In Nocodelytics, select New Metric, then from the dropdown choose "Button or Link Clicks".
  4. In the ID/class field, type # and then paste the ID.

Make sure you only use this unique ID once per element to ensure your data is accurate.

Track multiple buttons or links in one chart

To track multiple buttons or links, you'll need to use a class that's shared by all of those elements.

Here's how to track multiple buttons or links:

  1. Click on the element in the Webflow Designer. In the right-hand side panel, navigate to the Style tab (it has a paintbrush icon)
  2. In the Selector box, you'll see a list of classes. Copy the shared class. If there isn't one, add a shared class to each button/link.
  3. In Nocodelytics, select New Metric, then from the dropdown choose "Button or Link Clicks".
  4. In the ID/class field, type . and then write down the class in lowercase letters (if there is a space, replace it with a hyphen).


Button clicks metric

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